Munising Ski Jump – Munising

On the Internet, I have found a black and white postcard picturing jumpers climbing a wooden scaffold jump. The inscription identifies it as the Munising Ski Slide c-1928.

I have found a newspaper reference to installing a new, artificial surface on a ski jump in Munising in the Ironwood Daily Globe for June 23, 1960, and also a mention of the artificial surface (kind of like broom bristles) on a site called the Ski Jumping History Project. I have seen multiple references on the web to a postcard offered by Card Cow, a postcard sales site, that show a jumping hill with cars and spectators below. It says it is a picture of a competition at the New Ski Jump in Munising, and one reference dates it to 1969. The cars I can identify in the picture date from 1957 to 1967 or 1968.

New Munising Ski Jump

New Munising Ski Jump 1969

9 Responses to Munising Ski Jump – Munising

  1. Roger Guiney says:

    In the winter of 1963 – 64 Munising had a ski jump on a natural hill… artificial scaffold. It was located near the high school football field so that the outrun extended to the field. The longest jumps that year ranged from 120 to 140 feet.

  2. Rich Oas says:

    The hill in the picture is in Browns Addition within view of M-28….on the west side of Munising. It was built and used for only about 5 years. The all natural hill was in the center of town near the old high school. The all natural hill was last ridden in the early 1980’s. Ski Jumping was too much work for most and other distractions lured kids away from this really great sport. No jumping in Munising in over 30 years. The new school in along the lakeshore on the west end of town.

  3. Rich Oas says:

    The 1928 picture described in the article above had to have been taken from the original big hill in Munising which was directly across the football field from the all natural hill which had not yet been established. It would have been similar in size to the hill pictured above….with jumps up to about 200 feet.

  4. Rich Oas says:

    And…..the artificial hill was built on a side hill near the current Holiday Inn just west of Munising. It was one of the first artificial jumping hills in the US. It was built for one summer jumping tournament and only used for winter jumping for a couple years after that. It was called the Forest Inn Hill. Very small…jumps of less than 100 feet.

  5. Neil Johnson says:

    Im curious to know who eventually held the hill record. I set a new one in 1973 of 191 ft. It had been at 185 prior to that. Neil Johnson

    • Rich Oas says:

      I think you had the record when the hill was abandoned Neil… I was there for your record setting jump..

      • Neil Johnson says:

        I just read your response now Rich! That’s nice to hear someone remembers and that my record stood! A small but meaningful milestone for a jumper! Were you a jumper as well? It’s been a long time and the memory isn’t quite the same anymore.

  6. Alan Larsen says:

    My brother and I attended that summer ski jumping event in Munising in 1960. I have a black & white picture of Gene Kotlarek jumping in the competition and another of the jump itself. That was the first I had heard of jumping on mats but now I see plastic is used in many places.

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